Jan 12, 2023 For what is the inspection a prerequisite? The inspection is an essential prerequisite for avoiding problems with regard to liability law, tax law, civil law and regulatory frameworks as well as to ensure an economic management of wastewater discharge by:
Jan 12, 2023 When does the inspection come into play? An inspection is carried out within the framework of:
Jan 12, 2023 An overview of the methods to be used for an investigation of the structural and operational condition of drain and sewer systems in the form of the external inspection or internal inspection is shown in the diagram. (Image: Methods for structural investigations of drains and sewers (the methods of engineering measurements for application in accessible sewers are not shown)) |
Jan 12, 2023 |
Jan 12, 2023 Which measures count for external inspection? External inspection comprises all measures that are carried out either from the ground surface or specifically prepared explorations. The xternal inspection includes:
(Image: Methods for structural investigations of drains and sewers (the methods of engineering measurements for application … |
Jan 12, 2023 Which sources of information should be used to determine measures? So-called preliminary exploration measures, including a review and evaluation of all available documents and data, serve to determine the necessary external inspection measures. The following sources of information can be used:
Jan 12, 2023 For a first estimation of the feasibility and to determine a succeeding direct inspection program, the above-ground walkover inspection of the pipe run inclusive of a visual inspection of the street- or ground surface of the respective section of sewer in the catchment area is obligatory. In the process, possible effects of damage in sewer systems or drain systems (e.g. in the area of the manholes, inspection chambers, catch basins and street surface) … |
Jan 12, 2023 (Image: Picto Liste) What should be observed during inspection? The following aspects are important with respect to the site inspection [WPCFFD6]: Situation in the area of manholes
Jan 12, 2023 What should be observed during inspection? The following aspects are important with respect to the site inspection [WPCFFD6] (cont.): Situation in the area of the section run
All findings and information have to be recorded. (Image: Cracking … |
Jan 12, 2023 |
Jan 12, 2023 This module provides an introduction to the first of the four basic activities within the framework of integral urban drainage management according to EN 752, the INVESTIGATION. It is intended to cover all performance aspects of the drain and sewer system to the appropriate extent in order to provide the basis for the subsequent assessment of their performance. Therefore, this module provides an overview of the required investigation steps, collection and review of relevant information, and procedures for investigating the structural and operational condition of drain and sewer systems. After completing this lesson, you will have knowledge regarding:
Summary: This module teaches the basics of geotechnical investigations for civil engineering purposes. The described subsoil investigation by indirect (e.g., drilling methods) and direct exploration methods (e.g., dynamic sounding) form the basis for an understanding of a civil engineering description and evaluation of soil and rock. Objectives: After completing this module, you will have a sound knowledge of:
With regard to structural engineering, geotechnical investigations are understood to include all analyses required from the fields of (engineering) geology, hydrogeology, geophysics, soil mechanics, rock mechanics, environmental engineering and chemistry to describe and assess both soil and rock. The analyses involve bench tests as well as field tests. The investigations include both
[DIN4020:2010] |
What is the aim of a geotechnical investigation? The aim of a geotechnical investigation is to develop an idealized spatial subsoil model for the area of the pipeline zone and the adjacent in-situ soil. This model has to be as precise as possible, plausible and verifiable, as it serves as a basis for the planning and implementation of the rehabilitation measures. Important: Explorations in soil and rock provide only random samples. This means that … |
There is a variety of different investigation and analysis methods available that can be used to provide the required reliable and comprehensive data on the geotechnical parameters of the in-situ soil:
(Image: Exploration and investigation methods within the framework of geotechnical investigation) (Image: Geotechnical investigations) (Image: Investigation … |
As a result of the walk-over inspection or internal inspection, a direct external inspection of the embedment and/or sewers and structures might become necessary. In the process, either subsurface explorations are carried out or the respective sewer sections or structures are laid open in order to inspect their outer walls and embedment using a trench, test pit or a man-accessible vertical borehole. (Image: Schematic outline of a subsurface exploration) |
The exposure of damaged sewer sections takes significant time to accomplish, involves traffic obstruction and is very costly, it may not always be carried out. However, one option in this context would be to combine the investigation measure with a repair of the damaged area from outside. [DIN4020:2010] (Image: Repair of a sewer from the outside by means of stainless steel sleeve) (Image: Repair of a sewer from the outside by means of stainless steel … |
The subsurface explorations are carried out either in-situ from the ground surface or from an excavation, and serve to ... (Image: Purpose of the site investigation - Stratification sequence) Determine the sequence, thickness and spatial position of the individual layers, the network of fissures and disturbances in the embedment and in situ soil; (Image: Purpose of the site investigation - Layers) Determine the type, composition and condition of the … |
In principle, a distinction is made between direct and indirect subsurface exploration measures. Direct explorations are natural or artificial explorations that provide for an inspection of the soil or rock and its sampling. The direct exploration methods allow for the determination of layer borders, types of soil and rock and rock- or soil-mechanical parameters. Samples can be taken to be classified later on in terms of their appearance and to be … |
EN ISO 22475-1 sets “the technical basics for soil, rock and groundwater sampling and groundwater surveys in the context of geotechnical explorations and analyses”. The methods used to take soil samples can be distinguished into the following categories:
[ENISO22475:2007] Combinations of the mentioned categories are possible or rather required … |
Jan 16, 2023 Investigation: Geotechnical Investigations Continuous Extraction of Soil Samples by Means of Boring Methods In EN ISO 22475-1, boring methods with continuous extraction of soil samples are defined as a process in which samples are taken by means of boring devices during boring. [ENISO22475:2007] The target of such boring is to take samples of rock or soil that are as undisturbed as possible to gain representative information on the subsurface conditions (left figure). The boring tool itself serves as sampling device here. Some bore hole probes and small-… |
Jan 16, 2023 Investigation: Geotechnical Investigations Continuous Extraction of Soil Samples by Means of Boring Methods Exploration borings can also be used to observe the groundwater with regard to the position, quality and quantity of water-bearing layers or as a groundwater measuring point (piezometer). (Image: Groundwater measuring point) (Image: Groundwater conditions in stratified subsoil following [Lauma83]) Groundwater measuring points have also proven their worth as a method of testing the leak tightness of sewers. For sewers below groundwater level, water … |
Jan 16, 2023 Investigation: Geotechnical Investigations Continuous Extraction of Soil Samples by Means of Boring Methods Furthermore, borings also allow for the extraction of samples for soil air analyses to assess the leak tightness of sewers. There are different options for the analysis, as e.g. the spectral analysis of gas samples in the laboratory by means of a chromatograph or the in-situ inspection using a portable photo-ionisation detector (PID) [AGI94b]. O2, CO2, H2S, CH4 and N2 are useful indicators of leaking sewers. The informative value of the sewer atmosphere … |