Header information according to [EN13508-2:2011]: -
relate to the pipeline as a whole,
describe the conditions of the inspection as well as the pipeline and possible changes in it,
include project data, and
serve to clearly identify the object for allocation to the sewer inventory and to describe the inspection conditions.
(Image: Inspection report - marking Header Information)
(Image: Sewer Section Identification) The Header information is supposed to be entered at the start of the inspection. According to [EN13508-2:2011], the following information shall be recorded: (a) The pipeline (length) identification occurs by: -
pipeline reference and/or the two node references.
Alternatively, where the pipeline length is a lateral connected to another pipeline without a chamber, the pipeline may be identified the following way:…
(b) The direction of the inspection -
Inspection and documentation direction are based on the client's specifications
(c) A textual description of the location -
The name of the local authority, name of the district, name of a street, or name of a square.
(d) The coding system -
The coding system must be specified and clearly designated, e.g., according to Code of Practice [EN13508-2:2011], [DWAM149-2:2013]
(e) The longitudinal reference point (if recording …
(f) The Method of Inspection -
The inspection method must be specified. For example:
TV sewer cameras
manhole inspection systems based on video camera technology
manhole inspection systems based on digital photo technology
(g) Further Basic Information -
date of inspection
whether the drain or sewer was pre-cleaned
any other information required by the employing authority
Further binding header information can be: -
name of the client and contractor
name of the equipment operator
camera system
purpose and time of inspection
discharge control yes/no
shape and dimensions (with indication of data origin, i.e., measured, estimated, taken from a plan)
lining details
standard pipe length
type of wastewater
Important: Further header information can be requested by the client. A height measurement …
Master Data -
The client must provide the master data necessary for the visual inspection and make specifications for the recording of changes.
Master data must be checked by the inspector during the inspection.
Where any information specified in the header changes during the inspection, the revised information shall be entered using the relevant code as described below (table).
Example 3: Cancelling the visual inspection and continuing the inspection from the opposite direction, the opposite side (of the obstacle) is reached. 1. Data set: BCDXP - BBAA - BDCYY 2. Data set: BCDXP - BBAA - BDCYC (Image: Control code - visual inspection image 2)