According to EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], surface damage for manholes and inspection chambers is defined as: “The surface of the manhole or inspection chamber has been damaged by chemical (including corrosion of metal) or mechanical action”. The definition explicitly applies to non-lined structures. According to EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], the surface damage is characterised by the type of damage on the one hand and the cause of damage on the …
Image 2‑164, Image 2‑165 and Image 2‑166 illustrate examples for the damage type “Surface damage” while considering the respective cause of defect. (Table: Surface damage – Flaking) (Table: Surface damage – Corrosion appearing at the surface) (Table: Surface damage – Flaking with visible, corroded reinforcement ) Possible causes and consequences of defect Bascially, with regard to the possible causes and consequences of defect, the corresponding details …
In the following, according to the explanation in (Intruding connection (BAG) / Defective connection (BAH)), the defect types “Intruding connection” and “Defective connection” are considered in a summarised form. In EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], an intruding connection is defined as “a connecting pipe projecting into the manhole or inspection chamber”. In that context, for surveys, the codes for a connection (DCA) or a service pipe (DCG) are to …
Some examples for descriptions of defect using the main code “Intruding connection” and “Defective connection” along with the corresponding defect codings are illustrated in Image 2‑167, Image 2‑168 and Image 2‑169. (Table: Intruding connections ) (Table: Intruding and defective connections ) (Table: Defective connection – Connection clogged/blocked ) Possible causes and consequences of defect Basically, with regard to the possible causes and consequences …
In EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], the type of defect “Intruding sealing material” is defined as follows: “all or part of the material used to seal a joint between two adjacent chamber units is intruding into the manhole or inspection chamber”. The main code is characterised by the type of sealing material ( (Manholes)) and, in addition, for sealing rings, subject to the form of intrusion as follows: -
Type of sealing material:
Sealing ring (additional …
According to EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], for manholes and inspection chambers the main code “Displaced joint” is defined as: “adjacent manhole or inspection chamber units are displaced from their intended position in relation to each other”. This form of defect is characterised by means of the type of displacement: -
Vertical – The elements are vertically displaced (additional code specification A)
Horizontal – The elements are horizontally displaced (…
In the following two examples are explained for the type of defect categorised as “Displaced joint” (Image 2‑170 and Image 2‑171). (Table: Displaced joint – Horizontal displacement with intruding obstacle ) (Table: Displaced joint – Horizontal displacement ) Possible causes of defect The following aspects are worth considering with regard to the type of defect categorised as “displaced joint”: -
Usage of faulty or damaged components
Faulty installation
According to EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], just as with drains and sewers ( (Lining observations (BAK))), the main code “Lining observations” differs from all other main codes for manholes and inspection chambers insofar as this main code is no longer treated as a type of defect, but as an observation. However, in that case of application as well, many observations de facto and undoubtedly represent types of defect along with the respective consequences.
According to EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], a “Defective repair” for manholes and inspection chambers (main code DAL) is defined as follows: “A repair has been carried out on the manhole or inspection chamber which now has a defect.” In addition to the coding for a defective repair, the coding for point repair is also to be applied. For the case that the repair measure is carried out at a locally limited internal lining, the main code DAK (Lining …
Whereas in EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]] the definition of the type of defect “Weld failure” is used for all welded seams in manholes and inspection chambers. The use of this main code should be limited to welding seams that have been created in the context of the installation procedure, not during a rehabilitation measure. Thus, defective welding seams in factory-made linings (composite material) or linings created during a rehabilitation measure …
In EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], all types of defects with porous wall material (i.e. locally or systematically permeable due to a reduced structural integrity of the material) are summarized under the main code “Porous wall (DAN)”. Possible causes and consequences of defect This main code does not differ from the main code BAN for drains and sewers. Basically, a detailed description as well as possible causes and consequences of defect can be found …
According to EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], the main code “Defective step or ladder” describes forms of defect to step (climbing aids), ladders or step boxes ( (Catch basin systems)). The characterisation is done subject to the type of defect: -
Loose step (additional code specification A)
Step missing (additional code specification B)
Step corroded (additional code specification C)
Step bend (additional code specification D)
Plastic encapsulation …
In the following, some examples are illustrated for the type of defect categorised as “Defective step” along with the respective defect coding (Image 2‑173) (Image 2‑174). (Table: Defective step – Missing step) (Table: Defective step – Corroded step) Possible causes of defect Among the possible causes for defective step rings, there are: -
Inappropriate installation of steps, toe holes or ladders and ladder support
Installation of inappropriate or faulty …
According to EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], the main code “Defective cover or frame” refers to the top part of a manhole or inspection chamber ( (Manholes)). In the case that several types of defect occur at the cover or frame, this main code is to be applied several times. Depending on its type, the occurring defect is categorised as [ [EN13508-2:2011]]: -
Cover broken (additional code specification A)
Rocking cover (additional code specification …
Image 2‑175, Image 2‑176 and Image 2‑177 illustrate examples for the description of defect categorised as “Defective cover or frame” along with the corresponding coding. (Table: Defective cover or frame – Manhole cover broken ) (Table: Defective cover or frame – Crack in the manhole cover) (Table: Defective cover or frame – Manhole cover below surface level ) Possible causes of defect The following possible causes of defect to cover or frame are worth …
In EN 13508-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], this main code is defined as “objects in the manhole or inspection chamber”. This code must only be applied in cases where the main codes for “Roots” ( (Roots (DBA))), “Attached deposits” ( (Attached deposits (DBB))), “Settled deposits” ( (Settled deposits (DBC))) and “Ingress of soil” ( (Ingress of soil material (DBD))) cannot be used. (Image: Coding used to describe the location in manholes or inspection chambers …
Some examples for the descriptions of obstacle categorised in the main code “Other obstacles” along with their corresponding defect codings are illustrated in Image 2‑186 to Image 2‑189. (Table: Other obstacles – Dirt trap on the bottom ) (Table: Other obstacles – Water tap intruding through the wall ) (Table: Other obstacles – Water pipe traverses the manhole) (Table: Other obstacles – Pipeline traverses the manhole ) Possible causes of defect Basically, …
According to EN 13805-2 [ [EN13508-2:2011]], the main code “Exfiltration” is defined as a “visible leakage of flow out of the manhole or inspection chamber” without a further characterisation of defect. This main code is used in cases where visibly less water or no more water at all flows past the damaged spot. The code can be used both independently and in the context of a primary defect. Possible causes and consequences of defect Basically, with regard …