(Image: Grain sizes classification) (Table: Soil characteristics)
Example: The measured values of the sedimentation analysis resulted in the following mass percentages: (Formula: Aus den Messwerten der Siebanalyse folgten die Gewichtsanteile) With ∑m (D < d) as the percent passing (percentage by weight) through the screen with the mesh size d and ∑ m(D) as the total mass of the sample. Consequently: (Formula: Gewichtsanteil y(0,063)) (Formula: Gewichtsanteil y(0,125)) (Formula: Gewichtsanteil y(0,25))
The following particle size distinctions are made when grading non-cohesive types of soil:
The grading curve results in essential curve parameters that require a prior determination of d10, d30 and d60.
d10 = |
Particle size, of which 10 % by weight are finer than d. |
d30 = |
Particle size, of which 30 % by weight are finer than d. |
d60 = |
Particle size, of which 60 % by weight are finer than d. |
By means of these details the curve parameters CU (coefficient of uniformity) and CC (coefficient of curvature) can be calculated to describe the
The shape parameters of the grain size distribution curve are determined by the coefficient of uniformity CU (in [DINENISO14688:2018] and [[ASTM D6913]] ) and the coefficient of curvature CC. (Formula: Calculation of the coefficient of uniformity CU) The coefficient of uniformity CU specifies the average inclination (slope) of the grading curve that has been determined according to [[ASTM D422]] and/or [DIN18123], whereas the coefficient of curvature …
A well-graded grain size distribution is present if CU ≥ 6 and 1 ≤ CC ≤ 3, whereas a poorly-graded or intermittent grain size distribution holds true for all other cases (see table). However, according to [Estermann (1994)], these determinations should be slightly limited, as both criteria can also apply to certain discontinuously running grading curves. (Table: Classification of coarse types of soil depending on the coefficient of uniformity and …
The classification of very coarse types of soil according to the table requires very large samples. In that case, it is impossible to extract representative samples from borings [DINENISO14688:2018]. (Table: Classification of very coarse soil as per ISO 14688-2)
Using the grading curves and the coefficient of uniformity CU, a first essential conclusion can be derived on the compactness- or displacement capability, as well as water permeability of the soil.
In any case of a specific application, it is essential to determine the site-specific grain size distribution of the soil. Using grain size data from other nearby sites could lead to distortions in understanding the soil properties. This concept is shown by the grain distribution curves of various soil samples collected from the German city of Hamburg. These curves clearly illustrate the variety in grain sizes and the soil uniformity even within a …
The soil condition of coarse types of soil is characterised by the bedding density, whereas fine types of soil are characterised by their consistency.
Why is it important to know the relative density of the soil? The relative density helps to identify the arrangement of individual grains in coarse soils relative to each other. Using this information, we can make immediate conclusions about the soil stability, displacement capability, and water permeability of the soil within an excavation.
Assuming an ideal single size grain, there are only two types of bedding:
(Image: Loose bedding of single size grain soils in accordance with [Soos96]) |
(Image: Dense bedding of single size grain soils in accordance with [Soos96]) |
In the case of loose bedding, individual soil grains can move relative to each other. Dense bedding is the natural formation for single-size grain soils. In this form, the soil is solid like a rock; the soil grains can only …
The term “Relative Density” is used exclusively for non-cohesive soils. -
Non-cohesive soils can only be loosely and imperfectly compacted under direct static loads.
However, tamping or vibration methods can significantly improve compaction.
Soil is a multi-phase system made up of three main phases: -
Mineral Components (solid phase)
Water (liquid phase)
Air (gaseous phase)
Possible Phase Combinations in Soil: -
(Image: The soil model) |
The volume ratio between the three phases is described by the following parameters: (Formula: Void ratio) (Formula: Porosity) (Formula: Degree of saturation)
The higher the pore volume in relation to the total volume, the lower the density. (Image: Density) Relative Density: D = (nmax – n) / (nmax – nmin) Density Index: lD = (emax – e) / (emax – emin) Compactability: lF = (emax – emin ) / e
Classification and Designation of Non-Cohesive Soils
The relative density of non-cohesive soils (such as sands and gravels) is influenced by several factors, including: -
Test Procedure
Overburden Pressure
Particle Size Distribution
Using the relative density D and the density index lD, it is possible to determine the compaction of a soil sample. (Table: Classification of non-cohesive soils according to density, N value and inner angle …
Proctor Compaction Test
The standard test used to determine the compaction of soil samples in the laboratory is the Proctor Compaction Test, conducted according to: -
[[ASTM D698]]
Compaction, as per this standard, aims to increase the dry density (reduce the pore percentage) of the soil through mechanical impacts [DIN18127:2012]. (Image: Manual proctor devices)
The Proctor Compaction Test (described in [[ASTM D7263]] and/or [DIN18127:2012]) is used to determine the influence of water content on the achievable density of a soil sample. Test Procedure: -
The soil sample is placed in a cylinder.
The sample is then compacted using tamping with a weight at various water content levels.
The defining parameters for the test are the drop height, weight, and number of blows.
Key Outcome:
The test reveals the maximum …
Cohesive Soils and Water Content -
Cohesive soils change their state based on the water content.
When the water content is very high, the soil becomes liquid.
State Transitions as Water Content Decreases: -
Liquid → Plastic condition
Plastic → Semi-solid condition
Semi-solid → Solid condition
Key Effects of Decreasing Water Content: -
The soil becomes less mouldable.
The soil’s strength increases.
Consistency Limits of Soil (Atterberg Limits) The water …
The consistency (condition) of cohesive soil can be determined either in-situ (on-site) or in a laboratory. In-situ Test Method The soil condition is classified based on the following observations: -
Very Soft Soil: -
Runs through fingers when pressed together in a fist.
Soft Soil: -
Easily kneaded without much effort.
Firm Soil: -
Hard to knead, but can be rolled into thin rolls (~0.12 in / 3 mm) without ripping or crumbling.
Stiff Soil: