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Aug 03, 2023


(Table: Other obstacles – Brick on top of the pipe bottom)

(Table: Other obstacles – Third party pipe traversing the piping)

(Table: Other obstacles – Object intrudes through a connection)

(Table: Other obstacles – Object trapped in the piping)

(Table: Other obstacles – Plastic foil got caught at an intruding connection)

Aug 03, 2023


In most of these cases, other types of defect are the root cause for the existence of objects in drains and sewers. Thus, bricks, masonry, or wall pieces that can be found on the pipe invert can often be traced back to a pipe break/collapse. These causal types of defect must not necessarily have occurred immediately in the area of the object, but can also have occurred against the direction of the flow or in a connection / lateral sewer.

On the other …

Aug 03, 2023


Possible consequences of defect that are categorised in the main code “Other Obstacles” are:

  • reduction of the hydraulic performance capacity

  • formation of deposits

  • risk of congestion

  • backwater

  • increased operating expenditure

(Image: Sewer blockage due to obstruction)

Aug 03, 2023


Aug 03, 2023


According to EN 13508-2 the main code infiltration is defined as the “the ingress of water through the wall of the pipe or through joints or defects”. This, in particular, includes the infiltration of groundwater, which represents the decisive percentage of extraneous water (groundwater-induced external water) within a sewer [EN13508-2:2011].

(Image: Infiltration (BBF) of groundwater into a sewer bed – gushing – entering under pressure (code suffix …

Aug 03, 2023


The infiltration is characterised by the intensity of
water ingress:

  • Sweating (water entering slowly; no drops visible) (code specification A)

  • Dripping (drops, no continuous flow) (code specification B)

  • Flowing (continuous flow) (code specification C)

  • Gushing (ingress under pressure) (code specification D)

(Image: Infiltration (BBF) of groundwater through a crack in a masonry sewer - Dripping (code specification B)) (Image: Infiltration (BBF) …

Aug 03, 2023


Leakages and thus, infiltrations can occur on their own or in combination with other types of
defect in the following areas:

  • pipe joints

  • pipe walls

  • branches, connections, and laterals

(Table: Infiltration – Gushing)

(Table: Infiltration – Gushing as a consequence of missing mortar)

(Table: Infiltration – Gushing)

Aug 03, 2023


The following causes can lead to

  • Structural causes

  • Operating errors

  • Types of defect with infiltration as their consequences

The following list includes the primary structural causes for infiltration in drains and sewers:

  • Unprofessional construction

  • Changes in the internal and external loads during the service life

  • The use of inappropriate or faulty material and components

  • Ageing of the material and components

In that context, …

Aug 03, 2023


Infiltration is a form of secondary defect as a consequence of leakages and, in turn, represents the starting point for further possible types of damage and their consequences [Horne85] [Young84].

It always occurs when leaking gravity pipelines or structures of the local drainage service lie in groundwater either permanently or temporarily. In that case, the phenomenon is called groundwater infiltration or groundwater-induced infiltration water. Simultaneously, …

Aug 03, 2023


Consequences of defect caused by infiltration are:

  • increased groundwater-induced infiltration water percentage, and thus a higher discharge of pollutants into the bodies of water [Dohma1989]

  • increased costs for sewage transport and –cleaning as well as the increase in the sewage fee

  • increased operational expenditure

  • hydraulic surplus load (where applicable overload of the sewers, pumping plants and/or treatment works, increased release frequencies, …

Aug 03, 2023


Aug 03, 2023


According to EN 13805-2, the main defect code
“Exfiltration” is defined as a “visible leakage of flow out of the pipeline” without any further characterisation of the defect.

This main code should be applied when visibly less or no water at all continues to flow subsequent to the damaged spot. The code can be used both separately and in connection with a primary form of defect.

The non-visible exfiltrations that are not captured during a visual inspection, …

Aug 03, 2023


Visible exfiltrations in the sense of EN 13508-2 occur relatively rarely in sewer systems, as these require large-scale forms of primary defects (leakages), particularly in the invert of a sewer, and a largely unimpeded water runoff into the underground. Furthermore, in order to capture this type of defect, the sewage discharge has to be maintained during the inspection period. The latter stands in direct contrast to the requirement of keeping the …

Aug 03, 2023


When can exfiltration occur in the first place?

First of all, it depends on the position of the sewers in relation to the groundwater level and the operating pressure, whether any exfiltration of sewage or ingress of groundwater
(infiltration / section 2.2.20) occurs. 

For gravity pipelines, an exfiltration of sewage occurs, when:

  • the damaged spot can be found in the wetted area of the sewer- or pipe cross-section and is either constantly or temporarily …

Aug 03, 2023


Exfiltration is a consequential defect due to leakages and, in turn, represents the starting point for other
types of secondary defect along with their consequences [Horne1985] [Young84]. In that context, the
following consequences should be considerd:

  • Effects on adjacent pipelines, structures or the road surface

  • Change in the bedding conditions with subsequent types of defect, pipe break/collapse, deformation, fissure formation or displaced joints

Aug 03, 2023


Aug 03, 2023


The main code "vermin" according to [EN13508-2:2011] refers to "Vermin actually
observed". On the one hand, the finding is characterised according to the animal species:

  • Rat (code specification A),

  • Cockroach (code specification B),

  • Other species (code specification Z; further remarks supposed to be recorded)

and secondly depending on the localisation:

  • In the pipeline (code specification A)

  • In a connection (code specification B)

  • In an open pipe …

Aug 03, 2023


(Image: Vermin (rats) in a sewer)

Possible causes for vermin in drains and sewers are leakages and other unsealed types of access that allow the animals to enter the system. Furthermore, rats can also be attracted by wrongly disposed left-over foods or deposits of fecal matter. The sewer system represents a safe retreat at a comfortable temperature that is rather avoided by natural enemies. Especially in winter, the former fact makes sewers the chosen …

Aug 03, 2023


Possible consequences that can occur due to the presence of vermin are, for example:

  • health hazards (rats are considered to be disease carriers)

  • increased pollution of the sewers

  • structural damage caused by the digging- and nibbling behaviour of rats

  • deposit formation (BBC)

  • risk of congestion

  • backwater

In order to minimize health risks, pest control programmes should be developed and executed following the national or local requirements and …

Aug 03, 2023


Aug 03, 2023


This lesson builds on the module "Application of coding systems using the example of EN 13508-2" and introduces the coding of damage (findings) for sewers and drains. In more detail, the causes and consequences of damage are explained for the damage and, in some cases, the damage mechanisms are presented as well.

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • apply the coding system according to EN 13508-2
  • classify damage
  • name causes and consequences of damage

The basis for the successful installation of supply and discharge lines using trenchless technologies requires detailed knowledge of the subsoil condition.

This presentation aims to provide an insight into the geological, hydrogeological, and geotechnical fundamentals. Additionally, it explains the various geotechnical investigation methods used to explore the subsoil.

The excavation of utility trenches and tunnels, as well as their safe construction, belong to the field of geotechnology.

In geotechnology, the soil (or rock) forms the subsoil and serves as construction material. It can also act as a load or serve as the load-bearing and stabilizing material.

In other words, geotechnology focuses on the requirements needed to use soil (or rock) in the form of stable and functional civil engineering structures  [Schmi96].

Due to its varying behavior when loaded by structures, [EN1997-1:2009] classifies the subsoil into:

  • Undisturbed and disturbed soil (collectively referred to as soil)
  • Rock (solid rock)

In contrast, [ASTM D2487] only distinguishes between the various types of soil, including:

  • Gravels
  • Sands
  • Silts
  • Clays
  • Organic soils

In practice, however, a distinction between undisturbed and disturbed soil is not made. Consequently, all loose material is covered …

An assemblage of mineral particles and/or organic matter in the form of a deposit, but sometimes of organic origin. Soil can be separated by gentle mechanical means and includes variable amounts of water and air (and sometimes other gases).

Note 1:
The term soil is also applied to piled ground made of replaced natural soil or man-made materials that behave similarly to soil, such as crushed rock, blast furnace slag, and fly-ash.

Note 2:
Soils …