1158 search results:

A layer of soil or rock that serves as a foundation or bedding for structures (such as lines or shafts), or one that is otherwise affected by construction work  [DIN4020:2010].

The science that studies the structure, composition, and development of the Earth, especially the Earth's crust, and the creatures that have inhabited it throughout the history of the Earth [Meyer08].

A branch of applied geology that deals with the investigation of groundwater bedding and deposits, as well as the groundwater balance. It analyzes the relationship of water to rock, its bedding, and the changes in properties

(Image: Attention!)

In trenchless installation, as in all underground construction, the limiting geotechnical conditions are crucial in selecting a suitable drilling or jacking technique.

Therefore, before starting the work, it is necessary for the planning and executing engineer to acquire sufficient knowledge of the respective subsoil. Only in this way can a successful and economical execution of the project be ensured.

The subsoil investigation should aim to determine the relevant subsoil properties for the application being considered and the required subsoil characteristics.

Therefore, especially for the choice of a suitable construction method, excavation tools, and conveying system, the behavior of the subsoil must be analyzed in order to determine:

  • Stability of the borehole, the opened cavity, or the working face
  • Ease of fragmentation (for rock) or ease of

Subsoil risk:

A natural, unavoidable remaining risk that, when considering the subsoil and the ingredients present in the subsoil (such as groundwater, contamination, etc.), can lead to unpredictable effects and obstacles. This can occur even if the party providing the subsoil has fulfilled their duties in the complete investigation and description of the subsoil and groundwater conditions, and even if the construction party has also fulfilled their …

(Image: Schematic profile of the connections between the formation of rock material and the structures of the earth's crust [Wagen79])

May 19, 2011


This presentation is part of the series of presentations "Utility Tunnelling" and deals with the fundamentals in geology, hydrogeology and geotechnical engineering.

Condition of the sewer before cleaning

(Image: Condition of the sewer to be rehabilitated before cleaning [FI violin].) (Image: Condition of the sewer to be rehabilitated before cleaning [FI violin]) (Image: Condition of the sewer to be rehabilitated before cleaning [FI-Geige])

Sewer cleaning

Sewer cleaning is usually carried out using high-pressure cleaning.

As the 21 m (69 ft) long sewer section to be rehabilitated was not cleaned at the beginning …

According to ATV-A 142E [ATVA142a] an optical inspection in a 5-year cycle is recommended for sewers in the protective zone III and for private sewers (drain systems), the 5-year cycle is mandatory. Corresponding to the condition and the loading of the installation, shorter intervals may be necessary.

The flow is to be stopped immediately if damage to pipes or pipe joints is ascertained during inspection (deviation, retention, back-up). If necessary, …

The results of the geotechnical investigation as well as the laboratory analyses must be determined accurately by the geotechnical specialist or engineering geologist and described in a geotechnical report.

According to DIN 4020 [DIN4020:2003] [DIN4020:2003], the geotechnical report comprises the presentation and evaluation of the results of all geotechnical investigations and the conclusions to be drawn with regard to the project and the construction …

(Image: Diagram of soil and rock classification in accordance with DIN 18319 [DIN18319])

The soil and rock classes, for trenchless technology for installation of prefabricated pipes of any profile by means of pressing-in, pushing-in, ramming-in or pulling-in, is defined in the Federal Republic of Germany by DIN 18319 " Contract procedures for building works - Part C: General technical specifications for building works; Pipe drilling works " [DIN18319:…

When using the trenchless method of construction a sufficient and carefully carried out geotechnical investigation is decisive for the technical and economic success of a trenchlessly carried out sewer construction measure since the geotechnical and hydrogeological subsoil conditions decisively determine the selection of the jacking technique (machine type, conveying system, cutting head variant).

In the sense of DIN 4020 [DIN4020:2003] [DIN4020:2003], …

(Image: Principal sketch of a sewer TV inspection with selfpropelling camera and inspection vehicle)
(Image: Sketch of principle of mechanical deformation measuring with reference to [ATVA139c] [FI-Optim] [Image: S&P GmbH])

The visual inspection includes:

  • Line and level
  • Joints
  • Damages
  • Deformations
  • Lateral connections
  • Linings and coatings (if extant)

Acceptance tests of non-accessible sewers are carried out by means of TV technology according to …

(Image: Principle of compressed air- and vacuum testing of a sewer and a connection sewer (without the depiction of the push-out protection) with reference to ATV-A 139)

The test times and -pressures for pipelines without manholes and inspection chambers depend on nominal sizes and testing methods (LA, LB, LC, LD) and can be extracted from Tabelle 13.2.1. They deviate from the corresponding information given in EN 1610 [DINEN1610:1997] [DINEN1610-…

(Image: Principle of water pressure testing of a sewer, a connection sewer and a shaft (without illustration of the packer protection) with reference to [ATVA139a] [Image: S&P GmbH])
(Image: Leakage testing of manholes with water as the test medium - test criteria to EN 1610 / ATV-A 139)

Test pressure is the pressure, which results from the filling of the test section to the ground level of the shaft situated either upstream or downstream, of …

According to EN 12889 [DINEN12889:2000] the testing (specification test) of leaktightness of the pipeline including all connections, manholes and inspection chambers is either to be carried out with air (Bild 13.2.1) or with water (Bild 13.2.2) for each section or part (approximately 100 m). The selection between the testing with air (compressed air- or vacuum testing) or water is made by the client.

If during the testing the groundwater level is …

After the completion of the jacking works condition establishment (visual inspections) and leaktightness tests are to be carried out; the results are to be recorded and archived. The testing programme prescribed in EN 12889 [DINEN12889:2000] corresponds to the final inspection or specification test of pipelines and shafts which have been installed by the open-cut method of construction according to EN 1610 [DINEN1610:1997] [DINEN1610-1:1997], ATV-…

Leaks are present when water obviously enters or leaves or when a test for leaks (Abschnitt 4.5.1) is not successful.

According to [ATVM143-1:1989], leaks can occur with or without recognisable other damage in

  • Pipe joints (Bild 2.2.1) or component or structural joints;
  • Pipes or pipe walling;
  • Connections to pipes (Bild 2.2.1) ;
  • Manholes or other structures of drain and sewer systems.
(Image: Leaking pipe joint [FI-IfK]) (Image: Leaking branch connection […

(for types of pipe joints (Abschnitt 1.7.1) ; requirements see DIN 19543) [DIN19543:1982]

  • Missing or incorrectly inserted gasket ring (Bild (Bild (Bild (Bild
  • Incorrect application of sealing materials, e.g. on to dirty or incorrectly prepared socket areas.
  • Working of sealing material or media at too high or too low temperatures.
  • Incorrectly and not centred abutment of pipes, e.g. by using unsuitable …
  • Inflexibility of the connection of the sewer/ structure, for instance in the region of the manhole (Abschnitt 1.8) (Abschnitt 2.4.1).
  • Joining the lateral by means of caulking the sewer. Especially in the non-man-accessible, earlier hardly controllable nominal size range, many laterals were connected to the previously caulked sewer. It is impossible to achieve a permanently watertight and flexible joint with this method. In addition, there is the …

There are numerous causes for the occurrence of leaks and they can be arranged in the following groups [ATVM143-1:1989] :

  • Non-adherence with EN 1610 [DINEN1610:1997], DIN 19550 [DIN19550], prEN 12889 [DINEN12889:1997], material standards or regulations and guidelines for
    • Planning,
    • Material and component selection,
    • Workmanship,
    • Operation;
  • Material ageing;
  • As a result of other damage.

The primary consequences of damage caused by leaks in sewers as well as to structures of drain and sewer systems are:

  • The exiting of sewage (exfiltration); and
  • The ingress of groundwater (infiltration) and soil.

In both cases they always form the starting point for possible consequential damage [Horne85] [Young84].

Flow obstacles are objects or materials lying in the cross section of the pipe, which project into it or cross through it in such a manner that the cross section required for a proper flow of the sewage is no longer completely available.

Properly integrated components such as reducers, throttling or back-up flaps do not constitute discharge obstructions in the sense of a damage.

Typical flow obstacles often found in practice are [ATVM143-1:1989] :

  • Hardened …