At present, methods based on thermography that are meant to provide an exact localising of leaks within the framework of internal or external inspection are in the development stage. In this, one assumes the fact that all bodies transmit long wavelength particles that are called the infrared region of the electromagnetic wave spectrum. The spectrum comprises wavelengths of 0.7 to 1000 μm. As all bodies act as emitters of long wave radiation and not … |
Nov 22, 2004 The localising of leaks with the methods of leaktightness testing described in Abschnitt 4.5.1 is very time consuming if not problematical. In the methodical localisation of not optically recognisable leaks, it is necessary to begin with the section of the sewer method of leaktightness testing. By repeated halving of the respective pipe length with consequential repeated leaktightness testing, the leak can be limited to repeatedly smaller lengths. … |
When relevant documentation regarding trade effluent, the leaktightness, the quality of the receiving waters as well as other effects on the environment is missing, then according to EN 752-5 [DINEN752-5:1997] the following investigations must be carried out: "The location of trade effluent sources shall be identified and the nature, quality, quantity and the potential environmental hazards reviewed". "The quality of all receiving water shall be determined … |
The inspection report must be created on the basis of a section of the sewer. It must contain [ATVM143-2] :
A sewer database opens up the possibility of storing and evaluating the information on the condition of the sewer, of the hydraulic dependencies and the changes in value of a sewer network. The necessary collection, acquisition and extension of the data require a large amount of effort and must be judged in comparison with the achievable application uses. According to this point of view, the operator must decide whether these conditions are suited … |
(Image: Arrangement of the case and base data [ATVA145]) In accordance with ATV-A 145E [ATVA145], the structure of a sewer database should be carried out in steps depending on the desired application possibilities. In principle, a SDB can be divided into four file groups:
Each group receives the necessary basic data and the associated case data for its region so that the following … |
Because of the large amount of work entailed, the creation of the master data decided upon is only carried out once and as comprehensively as possible in a prescribed format. When acquiring the case data, care must be exercised that an unambiguous allocation to the master data is achieved. The geographic data are determined on the basis of the selected geographic system, the basic data is taken from the official cartographic plans, the sewer plans, … |
Feb 16, 2011 All the relevant facts of the measures undertaken for maintenance, inspection and rehabilitation of the drain and sewer system outside of buildings are documented as condition and operating data in the sewer database. They can be retrieved and output in the form of manhole and section reports. In addition, the damage acquired on videotape during optical inspection can be retrieved and viewed via a suitable interface. By means of the linkage of the … |
Feb 16, 2011 Sewer network calculations can be carried out by means of linking the master data with the hydraulic data via an interface with an evaluation program. This can have the following aims:
When linked with the … |
Feb 16, 2011 In order to evaluate the value, there is carried out the calculation of the plant valuation by means of suitable calculation programs, linking the master data with the cost data or, if necessary, including the condition data. This has the aim of discovering the reduction of value as well as the capital involved in the plant, and the interests that must be paid. Plant value includes, property and ground, buildings, operating plant, machines, plant … |
Feb 16, 2011 Using a capable graphic system, the data of the sewer database can be used to present:
to various scales. In addition, with the linkage of the layout plans with digital municipal layout maps with street maps and building layouts, detailed
can be produced. The processing and alteration of existing data should … |
Feb 16, 2011 The data in the sewer database can be sorted and output in the form of printed lists according to various criteria, either singly or in combination. Possible examples are:
Feb 16, 2011 (Image: Structure of a sewer record to with reference to [ATVA145] [Image: S&P GmbH]) In order that the sewer database is suitable for the requirements and demands of the users, it is recommended that a modular structure be utilised. Furthermore, the possibility should exist of tying the data into a sewer or geographical information system (Bild The linking with other databases, for instance with indirect introduction record as well as … |
The numerous possibilities of application and the detailed information presented by the evaluation of the data material depend on the quantity and the variety of the input data. It must be considered that the usage of the information must be in a positive comparison with the effort expended in the acquisition and maintenance of the data material.
The large amount and variety of different data (inspection data, inventory data) that is expected, require documentation with the aid of:
Under the aspect of co-ordinated and future-oriented rehabilitation and maintenance of sewers, the sewer database (SDB) presents and optimal working tool for documentation and updating of inventory data and inspection results. It offers, in alphanumerical form, the … |
The aim of documenting inspection results must be to provide an accurate and comprehensive overview of the actual condition of the sewers or individual regions or of the damage that has been found in a clear manner in which the contents can be easily compared. In the following, the documentation will be explained in the form of an example of the optical internal inspection in accordance with ATV-M 143E Part 2 [ATVM143-2]. It comprises:
Nov 22, 2004 Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Drains and Sewers Requirements of Condition Classification and Evaluation According to ATV-M 149 Condition classification includes the classification of sewers, manholes and constructions of drain and sewer system only on the basis of their structural and operational condition into condition classes and must be carried out by an expert who is independent of the inspectors and with the use of plausibility testing. The condition classification must take into account the requirements of the sewer system and, also taking ATV-M 143E Part 1 [ATVM143-… |
Nov 22, 2004 Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Drains and Sewers Requirements of Condition Classification and Evaluation According to ATV-M 149 Sewers, manholes and structures of drain and sewer systems that are damaged and/or that leak or that posses obstructions, have an effect on the environment. This impinges on the following aims of protection:
An important influence on these aims of protection is the quality of the … |
Nov 22, 2004 Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Drains and Sewers Requirements of Condition Classification and Evaluation According to ATV-M 149 The priorities list presents a sequence of requirements for rehabilitation based on the condition evaluation with reference to structural and operational aspects. It makes possible not only to utilise the financial means for sewer rehabilitation more efficiently but also, by means of analysis of the damage, to formulate development strategies for its prevention. In addition, through the early recognition of structural defects within the scope of … |
Nov 22, 2004 A summary of basic requirements of a condition classification and evaluation model, called an evaluation system in the following, that conforms to the conditions of EN 752-5 [DINEN752-5:1997] and that takes hydraulic environmental relevant and structural aspects into account, can be taken from ATV-M 149 [ATVM149a]. The aim of this specification is, among others, the creation of comparability and investigation results - independent of the evaluation … |
The proposed description of damage with the aid of the damage coding in accordance with ATV-M 143E Part 2 [ATVM143-2], as well as the information on the extent of the damage provides a temporary condition evaluation via the classification of the damage into damage classes. A classification is made into condition class 0 (immediate measures) and four further classes. Immediate measures must include sewer conditions that are required to be dealt with … |
Sewers, manholes and structures of drain and sewer systems that are damaged and/or posses obstructions, have an effect on the environment. This impinges on several aims of protection. Each of the described features has different effects on the aims of protection, and would therefore have to be weighted with reference to it. Because of the lack of knowledge of the actual effects of the damage to the respective aims of the protection, weighting is … |
Exfiltrating sewers in water catchment areas (Abschnitt 6.1) cause damage to a higher level of interests protected by standards or law as in regions without water catchments. The care of groundwater must be set unmistakably higher than malfunctions of the sewage operation caused by defects that must be repaired by means of technical measures of the sewer operation. The following regions are kept apart from each other: Catchment area IIIa: The drain … |
Taking the protection aims into account, the priorities can be changed for good reasons. Examples of this can be:
The up- and downgrading … |
The priorities list is made up of the downgraded evaluation numbers. Its provides a sequence for the measures to be undertaken in the sequence of the condition classes of the type of sewer, the interests protected by standards or law as well as the evaluation or condition points. |