ASTM Technology and Underground Utilities Committee to Work on Proposed Standards at October Meeting

Sep 10, 2013

ASTM International Committee F36 on Technology and Underground Utilities is developing several proposed new standards. Two such standards are ASTM WK39910, Practice for the Use of Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing for Monitoring Ground Movements Around Utilities and Tunnels, and ASTM WK41891, Practice for the Full-Length Monitoring of the Interface Temperature of a Cured in Place Pipe Lining Process.

"ASTM WK39910 will allow us to have a uniform and consistent manner in which the utility industry can monitor ground movements around pipes and tunnels to manage damage to existing structures better," says Dr. Jey K. Jeyapalan, chairman of Committee F36, and consultant, Civic Enterprises LLC. "ASTM WK41891 will allow us to manage energy usage more efficiently during the rehabilitation of aging sewer and water lines." Both task groups have been holding teleconferences on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 8:00 a.m. to build a consensus on what to include in the proposed standards.

Jeyapalan notes that the eventual use of ASTM WK39910 and ASTM WK41891 to measure ground movements or temperature in and around underground facilities using tools such as optical fibers will prove to an important step toward meeting the goals of an evolving utility industry. 

Jeyapalan invites all interested parties to join in the standards developing activities of F36 and to attend its meeting in Chicago on Oct. 6. The meeting will be held in conjunction with the 86th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference.

The scope of Committee F36 is to develop standards for the:

• Uses of underground utilities and their appurtenance other than their originally intended function;
• Application of current technology for the maintenance and repair of underground facilities; and
• Additional design considerations for unique environments.

For more information on F36 and the Chicago meeting, contact Jeyapalan or Ashley Wiand at ASTM International.

ASTM International welcomes participation in the development of its standards. For more information on becoming an ASTM member, visit

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ASTM Committee F36 Next Meeting: Oct. 6, 2013, in conjunction with the 86th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Chicago, Ill.
Technical Contact: Jey K. Jeyapalan, Civic Enterprises LLC, New Milford, Conn., Phone: 860-343-1767; 
ASTM Staff Contact: Ashley Wiand, Phone: 610-832-9551; 
ASTM PR Contact: Barbara Schindler, Phone: 610-832-9603;


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