Leading trade fair for environmental technology returns to its original name: IFAT ENTSORGA becomes IFAT again

Oct 23, 2012

After two events held under the name of IFAT ENTSORGA, the leading trade fair for environmental technologies is returning to its original name of IFAT.

Eugen Egetenmeir, Managing Director of Messe München GmbH, explains: "The name ENTSORGA was included in the show’s title in 2010, to communicate to the sector the fact that this event was moving from Cologne to Munich. That message has now been understood, and so we are going back to our original, succinct name of IFAT."

As well as the name change, IFAT is also adopting a new claim – "resources. innovations. solutions." This sums up the spectrum covered by the fair and its orientation. The areas of water/waste water and waste/secondary raw materials now come under the overarching term of "resources". IFAT’s brand identity is also transported visually in a new and sophisticated key visual.

The Federation of the German Waste, Water and Raw Materials Management Industry (BDE - Bundesverband der Deutschen Entsorgungs-, Wasser- und Rohstoffwirtschaft e.V.), owner of the name ENTSORGA, continues to be a conceptual sponsor of IFAT. Peter Kurth, President of the BDE: "It was a logical step to concentrate on the name IFAT, in combination with the new claim, and we fully support this move. The terms used in the claim reflect the changes happening in the sector, as the business of "rubbish collection" turns into an innovative and dynamic sector of the economy, supplying industry reliably with the high-value secondary raw materials it needs."

For further information on IFAT, go to: www.ifat.de. As well as a new key visual, IFAT’s website is also getting a new design, which goes online in early November at the usual web address.


IFAT, the world’s most important trade show for innovations and services in water, sewage, waste and raw materials management, takes place from May 5 to 9, 2014 in Munich. The last event attracted 2,939 exhibitors from 54 countries and 124,200 visitors from 182 countries. For 2014, the show is returning to its original name of IFAT.


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