Piedras Negras to receive US$218,400 grant for wastewater system rehabilitation

Jan 09, 2015

The North American Development Bank (NADB) and the local water utility, Sistema Municipal de Agua y Saneamiento de Piedras Negras (SIMAS) in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, signed a US$218,400 grant agreement for wastewater system improvements that will prevent up to 2.3 million gallons per day (mgd) of untreated wastewater discharges into the Rio Grande.

The estimated project cost is US$242,600 and the grant provided by NADB through its Community Assistant Program (CAP) will cover up to 90% of these costs with SIMAS covering the remaining costs.

In June 2013, the community of Piedras Negras experienced uncharacteristically heavy rains that caused flooding throughout the city and significantly damaged the existing wastewater collection infrastructure. Among these damages, two sections of the Rio Bravo Collector collapsed, interrupting wastewater conveyance to the treatment plant and causing approximately 2.3 mgd of raw sewage to be discharged into the Rio Grande.

The project will include the replacement of two sections of the Rio Bravo Collector: the Campo Venados and Escalante, the replacement of the gravity main sewer collector at Arroyo El Soldado to repair the connection at the Santa Maria subdivision, as well as repairs to Lift Station No. 4.

The Project complied with all the Border Environment Cooperation Commission (BECC) certification criteria and was approved by the NADB-BECC Board of Directors on May 8, 2014.

The CAP is a grant assistance program created in 2011 for the purpose of providing financing for the implementation of small but critical environmental infrastructure projects in communities with limited or no capacity to incur debt.



North American Development Bank

Juan Antonio Flores

203 South St. Mary's

78205 Texas

United States


+1 (210) 231-8000




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