Pipebursting Technology Manufacturer TRIC Tools, assists San Francisco Bay Area

Oct 04, 2012

TRIC Tools, Inc., the Northern California based Trenchless Technology Company, proudly announces the sale of its fourth Pipebursting System to one of its longtime trenchless' clients in Oakland, CA.

With the advent of Oakland's Mandatory Sewer Compliance Program many of TRIC's longtime pipe-burst equipment owners have added and upgraded their equipment in order to meet the demand. TRIC has watched many local contractor's grow their business with their technology since 1998, due to ongoing Sewer Compliance programs.
Michael Lien, TRIC's CFO said, We continue to embody the spirit of "Kaizen" or (CANI) Constant and Neverending Improvement that was championed by Dr. W. Edwards Deming." Dr. Deming worked with Japanese Auto Manufacturers to improve the quality of their manufacturing in the 1950s. He continued, "TRIC espouses Dr. Deming's standards of:
  1. Instilling personal and business momentum
  2. Leading Innovation and constant improvements to assist business owners in providing improved services to their clients."
Some new innovations have been coupling TRIC’s X30 system with new Hi-Flow 13HP 4,000 psi pumps. TRIC's Director of Marketing John Rafferty said, "These new hydraulic units have been very successful with TRIC’s client base as they match very well with TRIC’s core design philosophy to produce tools that are “Small, Sexy and Easy to use.”
Jay Battin, TRIC’s Rental Coordinator said, “With all the new mandatory sewer replacement legislation passing all over the Bay Area, contractors are beefing up their pipebursting arsenal.” Waterlines, four and six inch laterals, eight inch mains – TRIC has got it all”, Mr. Battin continued.


TRIC Tools, Inc.

Michael Lien

1350 S. Loop Rd.

94502 Alameda, CA

United States


+1 (510) 865-8742


+1 (510) 217-9493




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