PVC4PIPES launch multimedia presentation

Nov 28, 2014

PVC4Pipes has produced a short multimedia presentation that delivers 10 key reasons for choosing PVC for the piping industry. Entitled: "PVC PIPES - LIFELINES FOR A NEW AGE" the four minute clip communicates the major benefits of PVC pipe systems derived from many years of solid experience and the latest scientific evidence.

Steve Tan, spokesman for PVC4Pipes is convinced that these various messages will resonate with stakeholders from the industry: "World market demand for our pipe systems is continuously expanding to embrace a global supply chain currently worth over USD 250 billion. While our pipelines transport their contents silently below ground, we are determined to voice the durable nature of their performance above ground. Customers and users alike expect timely and accurate information."

"PVC PIPESLIFELINES FOR A NEW AGE" rightly lists safety as the number one key reason for choosing PVC pipe systems. With a track record that spans eighty years without corrosion or bacterial deterioration, these comparatively lightweight pipes and fittings are safe and easy to install. Makers of the clip further pinpoint durability as having a mainstay appeal: "best before 2114" is the tagline.

The environment is a central theme. PVC is made only 43 per cent from oil and the rest from common salt. It is also one of the few non-renewable resources that can be recycled. One million tonnes of PVC were recycled in Europe between 2000 and 2010. A fair proportion of this activity goes into making new pipes from old and we are informed that targets for the following decade are even more ambitious.

In a world where the future is more often shaped by carbon footprints, the clip uses these scientific assessments to support the low environmental impact of PVC pipe systems. Environmental product declarations (EPDs) are consequently more appealing especially when compared to competing pipe materials.

The ten key reasons for PVC pipe materials are as follows:
1 Safety 6 Smooth
2 Durability 7 EPDs
3 Energy efficient 8 Recyclable
4 Small carbon footprint 9 Track record
5 Cost efficient and low ownership cost 10 Sustainable




Steve Tan






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