PVC4Pipes: New APP to bridge the gap

Apr 13, 2016

When it comes to creating a presentation, the skill of being able to 'put all the facts together and then put them across in an interesting way' is fundamental. PVC4Pipes has now gone one step further by providing an App that communicates all the essential benefits of PVC piping systems alongside their green credentials.

The need for such a digital source of information is explained by Fabio Bernardi, Executive Director of PVC4Pipes. “This 'oracle' is designed to serve as a common platform not only for all those involved in the industry but also for the general public,” he says. “Many people are unaware of the extent to which PVC pipe systems have improved the individual well-being and public health of our communities. And now recent scientific studies have revealed fascinating facts that justify more intensive communication.”

1936 Berlin Olympics

One interesting fact (as revealed by the App) is that the world's first ever commercial PVC pipelines were supplied for the controversial 1936 Berlin Olympics. Having been installed eighty years ago for the Olympic Village, it is equally interesting to note that some of these water and drainage pipes are still in use today. However, this long track record beneath and far away from the Olympic field has certainly not been controversial. It has opened up an interesting and thorough understanding of PVC pipe technology and design. Durability has also not escaped the wisdom of the App!

“Pressure and non-pressure underground pipes are considered to have a service life in excess of 100 years,” it reminds us and states conditionally: “Provided that the design loadings for the chosen grade of pipe are not exceeded and that installers have used European Norm (EN) marked products.”

As for performance in the field of sustainability, the App emphasizes the low environmental impact of PVC pipe systems compared to those made from heavy pipe materials such as ductile iron and concrete. Figures derived from independent assessment for energy consumption and CO2 emissions are provided upfront and online.

Low environmental impact

Equally upfront and online are these figures for bi-oriented PVC pipes. Originally developed over 20 years ago in the Netherlands, these pipes have exceptional mechanical properties. Often referred to as PVC-O pipes, they also have an exceptionally low environmental impact. The App discloses that the energy consumption and CO2 emissions of pipes made from ductile iron are almost double those of comparable PVC-O pipes.

Bernardi is convinced that this App will convince designers and specifiers: “For example, our PVC pipe systems deliver drinking water from below by harvesting rainwater from above. Because this essential work is carried out below ground and seemingly private, we are too quick to forget their public performance. And yet, nearly every word captured by the computer keyboard of daily life is raced through a telecom cable – protected in some place or other by a PVC pipe.”

The PVC4Pipe App was developed from an original training package used by sales forces of member companies. Now currently available as 45 pages of English text, it will be reproduced shortly on the website in German, French, Spanish and Russian. To use the App, navigate to www.pvc4pipes.com and click the blue banner on the right side: 'Discover our new online presentation'.



Fabio Bernardi

Avenue E. van Nieuwenhuyse,4

1160 Brussels



+32 2 676 72 45




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