SmartBall Leak Detection Featured in International Research Project by Sydney Water

Mar 07, 2013

Sydney Water is completing a five-year international research project to examine why and when critical water mains burst.

The goal of the research is to aid the development of advanced condition assessment and failure prevention techniques that can help Sydney Water determine the remaining useful life of their pipelines.

Current and emerging condition assessment technologies have been evaluated and tested by Sydney Water on the world’s largest test bed pipe to provide data and research for the project.

SmartBall® Leak Detection, Pure’s free-flowing leak and gas pocket detection tool, was tested by Sydney Water for 80 kilometers on two trunk mains to identify the most accurate and cost-effective ways to detect leaks on large-diameter trunk mains. Many leak detection technologies designed for small-diameter distribution mains are ineffective on large-diameter pipe.

While leaks on large-diameter pipes are less common than leaks on small-diameter systems, they often have losses in excess of 10 percent of the total volume carried. By finding and repairing leaks on large-diameter pipes, utilities can achieve higher reductions in Non-Revenue Water.

Sydney Water will spend $16 million on this research project, with about $6 million devoted to leak management for 2012 and 2013, including more SmartBall technology trials to reduce water loss on critical trunk mains.


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