V Jubilee International Conference „Trenchless Technologies” NO–DIG POLAND 2012

May 04, 2012

On 17-19 April 2012 in Kielce – Cedzyna was organized the V Jubilee International Conference with the exhibition “Trenchless Technologies” NO-DIG POLAND 2012. About 200 participants both from Poland and abroad (including USA, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany) attended the above conference. Except this the conference was attended by representatives of the world of science (we hosted representatives from 7 universities) as well as public utilities and other companies being familiar with trenchless technologies.

A peculiar attention was paid to the papers presented by foreign guests, including Joanna Jacobs whose paper describes trenchless technologies presently used by Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago , professor Samuel T. Ariaratnam whose paper depicts the global perspectives for trenchless technologies in the background of economical development or professor Keh – Jian Shou from Chung – Hsing University in Taiwan whose paper was dedicated to Taiwan trenchless building projects where sections of a pipeline were installed at a very small radius.
During the conference consisting of 6 sessions there were presented 36 papers which were dedicated e.g. to the issues connected with trenchless technology development both in Poland and abroad, the chosen problems with installation of underground utilities., exploitation of renovated pipelines as well as the aspects of optimal trenchless technologies with the risk taken into account.
The key moment of the conference was the Gala Dinner during which the statuettes as well as the honorary mentions the EXPERT 2012 were granted to the laureates. Except this the conference sponsors received the memorable plaques and also the special certificates of appreciation went to the individuals and companies in recognitions of his contributing participation in the conferences or presenting the outstanding papers. Finally 2 honorary mentions and 2 statuettes of EXPERT 2012 were granted in the two nomination categories.
The honorary mention in ‘Trenchless Rehabilitation’ category went to INFRA S.A. The above honorary mention was granted for application of the innovative technology for sewer system rehabilitation using CIPP liner cured by UV in Nowy Sącz. The next honorary mention in the category ‘Innovative solution in the products used for trenchless building, rehabilitation or diagnosis of underground utilities’ went to Górażdże Cement S.A. /Heidelberg Cement Baustoffe für Geotechnik GmbH & Co. KG for their innovative product: Drill – mix® - self curing drilling fluid for HDD and microtunelling realizations.
The Expert 2012 Statuette in ‘Trenchless Rehabilitation’ category went to Preuss Pipe Rehabilitation Polska Sp. z o.o. The award was granted for rehabilitation of waterline section consisting of 6 bends in Krakow together with the railway bridge crossing over the Vistula River (in the project the Process Phoenix – Double Jacked method was applied). The Expert 2012 Statuette in category ‘Innovative solution in the devices, products or technologies used for trenchless building, rehabilitation or diagnosis of underground utilities’ was granted to Terma Technologie Sp. z o.o. for their innovative device it means a pneumatic jacking machine Max K95S produced by Terma Technologie Sp. z o.o.
Taking the opportunity the organizers of the conference would like to invite you to participate in the next VI International Conference “Trenchless Technologies” NO-DIG POLAND 2014, which will be held 8-10 April 2014 as well as to take part in the competition EXPERT 2014.


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