VINCI wins contract for underground works for Line B of the Rennes metro, France

Nov 15, 2013

The consortium led by Dodin Campenon Bernard (VINCI Construction) and including GTM Ouest and Botte Fondations, both subsidiaries of VINCI Construction France, as well as Spie Batignolles TPCI, Spie Fondations and Legendre Génie Civil, has been awarded the contract to execute the underground works (works package 1) for Line B of the Rennes metro in France.

The contract, worth almost €320 million, includes the construction of 8 kilometres of tunnel, 9 stations and 4 associated emergency shafts. The tunnel boring machine will start up at the end of 2014; delivery is scheduled for February 2018. Some 500 people will work on the site, including about 60% from the Rennes area, employed by the consortium’s local companies, suppliers and subcontractors or hired particularly through social integration programmes.

VINCI companies worked earlier on Line A of the Rennes metro and have good references for other metro projects, both in France (Paris, Marseille, Lyon and Toulouse) and elsewhere (Cairo in Egypt, Hong Kong and the recently won contract for the southern Red Line of the metro in Doha, Qatar).



Maxence Naouri

1 cours Ferdinand de Lesseps

92851 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex




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